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Medically reviewed by Dr Jerry Jesin — By Andrea Galick

Considering Cosmetic Dentistry? See All the Options Available

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11 months ago

Are you thinking about seeing a cosmetic dentist? You may be surprised at how many different ways this type of dental professional can help you improve your smile. Along with making the teeth look better, many of those same procedures will improve your dental health in general and certainly justify every penny of the cosmetic dentistry salary. Here are some of the options you will want to consider.

Professional Whitening Treatments

Considered one of the most basic cosmetic dentistry procedures, teeth whitening has come a long way in recent years. Choosing to undergo whitening treatments under the care of a professional does mean spending more time at a dental office. It also means seeing results sooner rather than later. As a bonus, the team administering the treatments will be on the lookout for any emerging dental issues. If there is something wrong, early detection makes it easier to resolve the problem.

Veneers and Caps

It’s not unusual for a cosmetic dentist to improve the appearance of teeth using a combination of veneers and caps. This solution works well in terms of protecting cracked teeth and evening out teeth that are chipped. The veneers can also give the teeth a smoother texture, which works out great if the teeth are still white but a little dull.

Straightening Teeth

It’s never too late to have your teeth straightened. Adults who are unhappy with the look of their teeth have several options. Some of them require wearing invisible braces or devices, others may only need to be worn at night. Any of the North York dentists can go over each option, point out the ones that would work best in your situation, and help you make the right choice.

Restorative Surgical Procedures

You were happy with your teeth before the accident. Now there’s a lot of work needed to restore your smile. A dental professional can develop a plan of action that undoes the damage and gradually restores your smile. The exact plan will vary based on the severity of the damage, but rest assured the dental professional has plenty of ways to make your teeth look great again.

Replacing Your Natural Teeth

Perhaps there is no way to salvage your real teeth. That means coming up with an alternative. The idea of dentures holds no appeal, but the dental professional has other options for you to consider.

Individual dental implants are a possibility if you have sturdy jaws. The implants take the place of each of your teeth. A cap that looks just like the real thing is permanently adhered to each implant. It will take time, but in a matter of months you will have what appears to be a perfect set of teeth.

All on four implants in North York are another possibility. This involves using four implants to anchor a dental plate in position. The plate stays in all the time and you take care of it just like a real set of teeth. Take some pictures prior to the procedure and then some once the work is done. You’ll easily see how the cosmetic dentistry before and after makes a huge difference.

Would you like to change something about the way your teeth look? Find a cosmetic dentist in Toronto today and talk about what could be done. You’ll find the cosmetic dentistry cost is more affordable than you think.

Andrea Galick

Andrea Galick is an accomplished Dental Hygienist (RDH) with a passion for helping patients achieve optimal oral health. Andrea has built a reputation as a caring and skilled practitioner who puts her patients at ease and provides individualized care that meets their unique needs.


North York Smile Centre
5 Park Home Ave #130,
North York,
ON M2N 6L4